Rough Book
The anticipation kept building up in the last week of the holidays before starting back to school, new shoes, uniforms, books,pencils,erasers have all arrived and decorated the study table. All the notebooks have been covered with standard brown paper and neatly labeled but jut not assigned toany subject since it was the teachers call to ask for a 200 page ruled or white notebook. The text books however have been passed down from elder siblings and the task of erasing all answers from the endof the lessons got serious. An occasional sneak peek at the first lesson or a glance through all the pages of the text book for images was a common thing throughout the holidays. I can recollect the beautiful picture of the earth in color in the Geography book was a favorite specatale.It was as if I couldn’t wait to get back to school. First day of class 7 section C, a huge classroom with many new faces and finally we got to meet our new class teacher once her introduction was done and the roll nu...